Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Young pregnant ...? Reduce Nausea With Ginger

An individual happiness when the couple learned that the wife is pregnant again (after tested positive), but pregnancy can sometimes be susceptible to interference, usually occurs when the womb aged between 1-3 months. Disorder that occurs most frequently is a disorder, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and even get to (Hyperemesis). This disorder is due to increased sensitivity to the hormone during pregnancy is higher. Not in other diseases such as nausea, nausea in pregnancy increased on an empty stomach. Not rare disorder resulting in weight loss. There are tips for young expectant mothers who experience Hyperemesis is eating small meals, but often, the food can be a dry form or berkuah. It could also try eating toast or crackers in the morning before getting out of bed. Try to avoid fatty foods, or foods that are too much seasoning. Try also there is always a breath of fresh air where the mother was pregnant. If still experiencing nausea and vomiting can be helped by eating ginger, as ginger can reduce nausea and vomiting in the morning (morning sickness) without causing adverse effects on the fetus. Several studies concluded that ginger, ginger is very good for pregnant women that nausea and vomiting. If still not reduce antiemetic drug classes can take for example ..
metoclopramide, may also mediamer B6, B6 anvomer, etc..

Menstruation can be Arranged

As women get older will definitely after experiencing what is called menstruation or menstruation. Menstruation is the process of blood discharge due entirely mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium). This process is a natural process which is always based on the cycle repeated. This cycle will continue over and over again every month and this is a natural for women who can not be rejected in addition to a baby and giving birth. Sometimes for career women will find it a hassle when your period is coming in the midst of the crowded bustle. Especially for those who experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Premenstrual syndrome is a collection of physical symptoms, psychological, and emotions associated with the menstrual cycle of women who are usually caused by hormonal changes associated with the cycle time of ovulation (release of eggs from the ovaries). Symptoms most often is the change of mood (usually easily upset), a sense of swelling in the breast, feeling pegal2 throughout the body. Usually the common STDs in women who are very sensitive to hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle.

Can it be avoided? obviously can not, who can is set. Able to delay or enhancing them. Most women prefer to postpone because it's easier, and one way is to take the drug norethisterone (drug serves to maintain the levels of the hormone progesterone in the body). Keep in mind, menstruation occurs due to decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone together so that blood will come out, norethisterone here serves to maintain the levels of progesterone in order not to fall so that the mucous membrane of the uterus does not decay.

The drug is often used by mothers who will perform the pilgrimage, or a career woman who once crowded schedule, can also be used by students who will undergo an examination or a woman who was about to depart honeymoon. For the latter two drugs are widely used to avoid STDs so that they can concentrate fully to face the special moments without interruption by PMS.

How to use the drunk at the time of 7 days before menstruation is expected up to 3 days before your period is desired. But this applies to women menstrual cycle regular / normal which is about 25-32 days, for those who have irregular menstrual consultation first. Because the dose taken is not the same as a normal menstrual, is to avoid the side effects that arise, usually the side effects that arise are not always the same, among others, a sense of bloating, muscle pain, weight gain, until the emergence of spots (spots of blood from the vagina) so should use this drug if you want to consult the previous 3 months, so it can be chosen to match, or if no match is replaced with another drug whose function is similar.

Can Pregnant Women Having Intimate?

There was a young mother pregnant again ask, whether during pregnancy, she may have sex with her husband rather frequently, because according to her friend if rarely have intercourse would disrupt or less good for fetal growth, is it true?

Usually this question is often posed by young mothers who are pregnant for the first time, really intimate relationship in pregnant women may be-wrote, but the thing to note is do not let this interfere with fetal sex. So that must be considered is whether there is a history of miscarriage in these women, even if there should remain aja, provided it is done in coarse (more carefully), find a safe position that does not upset your stomach. Gestational age is most appropriate for the relationship is first months of pregnancy and when it reaches the age of 7 months should not be anymore. For normal / no history of miscarriage in pregnancies that advanced somewhat okay as well but still have to pay attention to these things so as not to disturb the fetus, and remain vigilant after the change if there is an intimate relationship such as a speck of blood, uterine contractions that occur , or exit the amniotic fluid.

Intimate relationships are rarely performed in pregnancy will make poor fetal growth?

Not true at all that opinion, because there was no association between fetal development with intimate relationships, which can be disturbing is if the relationship is roughly done that will interfere with attachment of the fetus in the womb.

Want a New Bride Pregnant Faster

There was a 25-year-old female friend who just got married so quick to ask about how to get pregnant. Because he was married for about 6 months but really not pregnant. I was so worried he was also asked whether after having sex continues to issue a white viscous liquid that causes trouble conceiving. According to him how her husband would get pregnant if sperm exit continues. Until finally asked for tips on how to let the sperm do not come out. This woman was also asked when the best time to have sex to get pregnant fast.

Actually there is nothing to worry about, about the thick white fluid that comes out after having sex is semen containing sperm (spermatozoon) and the carrier fluid called semen. Semen is tasked to protect the sperm so that his journey along the female reproductive organs to stay alive and also give a sperm and eating. The liquid cement which is alkaline able to resist the effects of acidity of the vagina mucus, so that the sperm are more resilient and not easily die.

Why after having come out again, all of it related to the force of gravity and body heat. So it is normal. Although the sperm out, semen cells have moved upward into the uterus to meet with the egg (oocyte). During the egg and sperm normal, it will not make a difficult pregnancy, although a lot of semen that comes out.

Any tips lightly let semen had not come out:

ie with a woman with a pillow to prop your buttocks after intercourse or it could be with his feet against the wall, let the goal long enough semen in Miss V.
Frequency is also worth noting, that good is to have sex 2-3 times a week, not too often. Because the sperm maturation process takes about that.
For the best time I'll quickly get pregnant is during the fertile period, ie kira2 day 12-17 of the menstrual cycle.

Menstrual Pain And Old

For every woman who has grown up will certainly experience Menstruation or periods characterized by bleeding due to uterine mucous membrane entirely, this is a natural process that is always repeated in the cycle. Menstruation is often followed by symptoms of lower abdominal pain, sore waist, pain throughout the body, lethargy, nausea, sometimes vomiting. These symptoms usually appear on the first or second day of menstruation. These symptoms often disturbing though this naturally occurs in every woman.

There are things that need to be observed when there are additional other symptoms that could indicate the presence of a particular disease or disorder. Usually other additional symptoms to watch is when your period is long and accompanied by bleeding quite a lot. If any of these symptoms will usually be accompanied by unusual pain (severe).

Normal menstruation is between 10-12 days, when the period is much longer than usual so-called Hypermenorrhea, conversely menstrual bit (just a drop-drop) and the time is less than normal is called hypomenorrhea, this condition is often associated with fertility, because there is a possibility to infertile (can not have children), then the amount of blood that came out normal day between 15-50 cc. When the blood coming out than usual, will be felt by the woman, especially when up to 80 cc or more.

Severe pain during menstruation called dysmenorrhea is pain felt in the lower abdomen at the time before, during and after menstruation. Often times a woman experiencing these symptoms during menstruation and made to rest a few hours or even can not work.

Is this normal dysmenorrhea?

Actually, dysmenorrhea is still reasonable if rare or only occasionally, so it's important to note here is the intensity.
To relieve it usually can be overcome by taking an analgesic (pain reliever).
That need attention or should be aware of is if dysmenorrhea was also accompanied by blood came out very much, and lasts beyond the normal time and place repeatedly. It could be that there are abnormalities in the organ abortion.

Abnormalities of the content of this organ can vary due to chronic infection, endometriosis, myoma, cervical polyp, erosion, sarcoma, or could exist malignancy in the cervix (cervical ca).
For women who use family planning types of injections, usually will experience irregular menstruation, too, could be a lot of blood coming out and could exceed the normal time, even a month continuous period, is caused by unstable hormone injections before the influence of family planning. So when experiencing abnormal symptoms as described above you should see a gynecologist.

Why Pregnant Women Often Difficult Toilet?

Many mothers who are pregnant complain difficult bowel / constipation. Is this normal? or something to do with her ​​pregnancy. Though usually run smoothly wrote. Want to take drugs to worry about the condition of the fetus.

Indeed, in pregnant women will mostly occur in the digestive disorder that is difficult bowel movements or constipation, this is not to worry about, nothing to worry about is if taking any medicines that have the potential to interfere with fetal development especially at the age of the content of between 1-3 month in which at this stage of the formation of organs. In pregnant women often occurs because of constipation occur during pregnancy and increased levels of the hormone progesterone hormone caused a relaxation of the muscles (muscles relax) so that the action of the bowels so it is not good. Then at the stage of pregnancy at the age of 6-9 months when the mother's abdomen has been added bigger problem is constipation so more often because the uterus will be more pressing the abdominal area. But of all these things need to be underlined is that this problem rarely cause major problems for both mother and fetus. There are a few tips to help ease minor issue.

Some of them are with enough water to drink between 6-8 glasses a day. Then also by increasing the consumption of high fiber foods eg fruit and vegetables. For the best fruit is papaya fruit because it has a role as a natural laxative. There also needs regular light exercise such as jogging to facilitate digestion. If there were problems should consult with your doctor.

Frequent Dizziness High Blood ..... It turns out ...

Dizziness is often considered a disease common / trivial, even sometimes made as a "joke" / joke, even had a brand image that was popularized by Peggy Melati Sukma with the words "puuuussssiiiiing", but if dizziness diakibat by a serious illness , do not ever look down upon, especially if it is diminumi various headache medicine does not subside, should alert you.

Indeed, many causes of headache / dizziness, one of the most common is High Blood Pressure / Hypertension (Hypertension). But there are also people with hypertension who do not feel the symptoms of headache, this should be more extra careful.

Exactly is High Blood Pressure / Hypertension is the increase in blood pressure within the artery. In general this condition without symptoms, so it will cause increased risk of disease can be fatal. Anyone who is at risk for high blood pressure? hypertension usually attack someone who has a history of hypertension, obesity (s Overweight / Obesity d), women who are pregnant, or at an advanced age. How do I know? namely by checking blood pressure with the tension meter. At the time of the pressure gauge will sound 2 plays the first sound (systolic) and the sound of the two (Diastolic).

Blood pressure is considered normal when lower than 130 systolic and diastolic lower than 85. said to be high whereas if higher than 140 systolic and diastolic higher than 90. Blood pressure will increase in accordance with age, this is caused because the elderly will thicken the arterial walls and stiff, as a result of blood pumped by the heart will be forced to pass through that narrow the arteries so that it will lead to high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is also influenced by physical activity, so when the move will rise and vice versa. Kidney is the organ that plays an important role in controlling blood pressure, therefore a variety of diseases or abnormalities in the kidney can cause high blood pressure. Various ways can be done to help decrease (lower blood pressure tips I will discuss in some future post), whereas the blood pressure-lowering drugs / Anti-Hypertension itself was different from the type diuretic (eg, Hydrochlorothiazide, Spironolactone, etc.), the type of ACE Inhibitors (eg Captopril, etc.), type Betabloker (eg Propranolol, Bisoprolol, atenolol, etc.), type Chanels Ca blockers (eg Nifedipine, Amlodipine, Diltiazem, etc.), until the type of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (eg Candesartan, valsartan, etc.). Be careful with food that is too salty (tips on lowering blood pressure will be discussed on a few separate posts on the front).

Tips Lowering Blood Pressure

To complement the previous post about high blood pressure, here are some tips for lowering high blood pressure:

1. Blood Pressure Monitor:
If you have been exposed to hypertension, then you should buy a tool to monitor
blood pressure, so that when blood pressure rises and the harm can be directly
medical care was taken or done as early as possible.

2. Starting an exercise program to lose weight:
Each weight 1 / 2 kg, can lower blood pressure 2 mm Hg, so very good
for patients with severe hypertension, type of exercise is safest roads
foot, jogging, riding down stairs, aerobic dancing, swimming and cycling.

3. Drinking Drugs:
Take medication on a regular basis, because if stop taking the medication, blood pressure can
rise higher than initially.

4. Avoid salty foods:
salt is one food that can increase blood pressure, because it
eat less salty. Sources of salt that is less recognized is frozen food,
canned vegetables, and even ulcer drug / antacid.

5. Avoid consumption of alcohol:
Alcohol has a role in increasing blood pressure.

6. Stop smoking:
Smoking is a major taboo for most people with hypertension, because nicotine
contained in cigarettes can cause increased blood pressure also
increase the risk for stroke.

7. Eat a banana:
Banana is a fruit that contains potassium, potassium may reduce the pressure
blood, in addition to potassium banana is also contained in the raisins, milk, yogurt, and juice

8. Polyunsaturated oils:
Switch to unsaturated oils can reduce blood pressure to 10 mmHg.

9. Learning to relax:
Sometimes the mind can trigger a rise in blood pressure, because it must
learn to think relaxed, but still serious problems encountered in each.

Is High Blood Disease Heredity? & How to control?

The definition of high blood pressure or Hypertension is a disease of high blood pressure. A person suffering from hypertension when sistoliknya pressure 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg diastoliknya. Lately this disease a silent killer or kill silently, because they are often not recognized by the sufferer and usually only discovered when his blood pressure checked. The disease is new light after complications occur.

Its complications usually in the form of impaired cardiac function, coronary, renal function, or onset of
a stroke. So hypertension reduces the life expectancy for the sufferer, because from here will appear degenerative diseases are diverse and can eventually cause death. Therefore frequently check your blood pressure, and as much as possible
always keep the ideal of 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic.

Systolic pressure is peak pressure during heart contraction and pump blood out through the arteries, whereas the diastolic relaxation is when the heart and receives blood from the blood vessels. Whether the disease is declining?

Infinitesimal hereditary factors possibly because the disease is closely related to several factors: lifestyle factors, diet and environmental factors. Lifestyle factors that play a major role is smoking and drinking alcohol, for dietary factors that fatty foods, and foods that are salty, then the habit of staying up also influences. Or often in a state of stress can also affect blood pressure. Then how to control it?

It was easy, change the lifestyle that lead to high blood had been included lower body weight, then subtract the salty food and salt intake should be less than 6 grams / day. Salty foods are also to be reduced is the food processed with salt for example with salted fish, salted eggs, canned fish, as well as all foods are preservative (sodium benzoate), also reduce the MSG / MSG, foods containing baking soda / baking powder. Then the drug for high blood pressure should continue to drink during her blood pressure remains above 140/90 mmHg, and is in character for life. There is nothing wrong also if someone already got high blood pressure is buying a tool to measure blood pressure so that blood pressure can be monitored.

Lump In Groin Exit Sign

A sport package hip complain that cause pain. The pain is sometimes lost, sometimes occur. This man had never been to the doctor and was a hernia and the doctor recommended surgery diagnosed. Had to be is the question whether the man in question to operate, while the fear of the operation, then is this man and that alternative therapies and massages pants worn with a hernia prefer, it is effective?

Hernia itself is a piece / swelling that occurs in a part of the body that was not originally present. There are several types of hernias, saw his place in the folding of the thigh (bulge appeared in the folding of the thigh), including a hernia. These hernias are most common. Why could happen lightbulb? that the contents of the hump?.

Projections that are happening because there is a gap that is less closed, could bridge the gap of an old course of the testes (testicles), which at the time of the fetus in the abdominal area and when the birth is in the pockets of the penis (scrotum), usually is closed. Since these are not tight so that it bridges the gap, the gap through the organs of the abdomen, which of course is still covered by the lining of the abdominal cavity can be filled raises. Stomach or intestinal contents can.
These clumps are more visible, if the activity causes increased pressure in the abdomen when coughing, for example, forcing the race and sports betting. But if a break this hump disappear (bumps that can occur). If this activity takes place continuously over the mountain is also growing, to reach the pocket of the penis.
Does it require surgery? require immediate surgery if the bumps that came out was not able to log back into place so that it (usually happens when the contents of the intestine lumps), the death of cause can be glued digestive organs it ( necrosis) and endangered ground. So it should be done to bridge the gap occurs. What about alternative therapies before?
Alternative therapies, which are followed on a temporary treatment of surgical treatment. If it should break after the surgery? After surgery, still in daily activities for intensive sports should be within 2-3 months after surgery.